Gillies St Main Campus & Farm/Senior Campus: - Phone (03) 5334 1302

page senior highTo be able to optimally support students with complex health, engagement and safety needs BSS will create a number of high support class based on annual needs.

These high support class groups will offer:

  • reduced staff to student ratios to meet student’ safety, health and wellbeing needs,
  • highly modified and individualised programming to promote engagement and access to the curriculum
  • highly modified learning spaces to support safety and access to the curriculum
  • targeted staff training opportunities to promote safe and optimal use of specific personalised equipment and adaptive resources.

Who is eligible for participating in a High Support Needs class?

To be eligible to participate in the BSS high support classes, students must meet the PSD: ID criterion and 3 of the following 4 criterion:

  • PSD Level 5+ funding
  • Functioning level at A or B ABLES
  • Complex medical care needs
  • Referral from Integrated Services Team Individualised placement requirements, parent requests and exceptions to these criteria will be discussed and approved by the leadership team. This team consists of an assistant principal, leading teacher and two integrated services team members.

What curriculum is followed in High Support Needs?

The ‘Towards Foundation Level Victorian Curriculum’ is integrated directly into the curriculum and is referred to as ‘Levels A to D’. Levels A to D focus on progressing students from a pre-intentional to intentional engagement in learning. They support students to develop their independence as they explore, participate and engage in the world around them. As students progress through these levels, the amount of support decreases as they proceed towards becoming independent learners. Levels A to D’ are not associated with any set age or year level that links chronological age to cognitive progress.